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Griffith Avenue Practice
Call us on: 01-8373611
Griffith Avenue Practice is a group practice of Four Partnered doctors and one General Practionaire Assistant, all specially trained in general practice. A practice nurse is also present for blood tests, cervical check, and blood pressure checks.

Dr Karen Aylward (Partner) MCRN 067073
Dr Karen Aylward graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2001. She worked in a variety of hospital medicine specialties including Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Emergency Medicine, Haematology, Medicine of Ageing and successfully completed her Membership Exams of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. She spent further time working in Paediatric Medicine before completing her General Practice training in London. She joined Griffith Avenue Practice in 2007. She has postgraduate Diplomas in Family Planning, Child Health, Practical Dermatology and Medicine of the Elderly. Her other areas of interest include Women’s Health, Menopause and Obesity management.

Dr. Sinead Morgan ( Partner) MCRN: 23114
Dr. Sinead Morgan graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1999. She completed her GP training in Wales & worked for several years in general practice in Wales & England, before returning to Ireland in 2009.
She has completed a diploma in obsetrics & gynaecology, family planning & dermatology. Her special interests include female health, contraception, child health & dermatology.

Dr Robert Scanlon ( Partner) MCRN: 22919
Originally from Limerick, Dr Scanlon graduated from UCC in 1999. He trained initially in laboratory medicine in the Mater, Beaumont, Holles St, Temple St and Blanchardstown before doing further training as a GP in Cardiff, returning to Ireland in 2007.
He has been working at Griffith Avenue Practice since summer 2007. While in Cardiff he attained a Diploma in Practical Dermatology. This enables him to remove benign (non cancerous) skin lesions, freeze warts, verrucae, skin tags and sun spots and treat conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. He worked in a busy ear, nose and throat department in Cardiff and is confident in dealing with routine problems in this area. He is also happy to cauterise nose bleeds. He also has a diploma in child health and a certificate in geratric medicine. He has a keen interest in preventative medicine and mens health.

Dr Cathal O'Sullivan ( Partner) MCRN: 272528
Dr. Cathal O Sullivan, originally from Templeogue, graduated from UCD Medical School in 2006. On graduation he worked in several Dublin hospitals and completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Tropical Medicine from the Royal College of Surgeons. He joined the Trinity College GP Specialist Training Scheme in 2008 where he gained further experience working in the National Children's Hospital, in the Coombe Women's Hospital as an obstetric SHO, and as a psychiatry registrar in St Patrick's hospital.
He has been working in general practice since 2010, and has developed a special interest in GP Ultrasound, primarily for pregnancy assessment. He joined Griffith Avenue Practice in 2012.

Dr Sree Enduluri ( GP Assistant) MCRN 293164
Originally from India, Dr. Sree Enduluri graduated from Guntur Medical College, Guntur India in 2005, moved to Ireland in 2006. Dr. Sree Worked in various HSE Hospitals at different levels in General Internal Medicine and various Sub-specialities, showing keen interest in Elderly Care (Geriatrics) and Stroke Medicine. Dr. Sree was awarded MRCPI in 2016 With vast experience in hand in Internal Medicine and various sub-specialities. Dr. Sree moved to General Practice after being selected in Northeast GP Scheme of ICGP and qualified with Membership MICGP in 2021. Dr. Sree has been working in Griffith Avenue Practice since 2020, initially as a Trainee GP and now as a full-time qualified GP since December 2021. She has keen interest in Elderly Care (Geriatrics) and General Internal Medicine with special focus on Long Term Illnesses (LTIs) and has recently completed a Diploma in Paediatrics run by RCPI.