professional. ​private. personal.

Griffith Avenue Practice
Call us on: 01-8373611
Download PIPPO from your app store
or online and register with us today to get started
Pippo is an online patient booking and repeat prescription ordering portal linked directly to our Practice
Once your account is setup , on the pippo website / app it is very easy to see free slots and book a suitable appointment for you , without having to call the practice.
Your appointments will show as pending , and you will receive a confirmation text and email within minutes
PARENTS - register yourself first and then add your dependants . Please note that dependants in Pippo are children under 18 yrs. ​​​​​​​​​​​​

To book an Urgent Care Clinic appointment
Click Here​
- Only for Urgent Issues that require GP within 24 hours
- If unable to use online booking, phone 01-8373611
- If no appointments available call D Doc (0818 224476)
- For Emergencies proceed to Emergency Department
or call 999 or 112
Location of your appointment will be notified to you prior to appointment time​​​​​​

New Surgery Rooms in The Rise Surgery
We are happy to announce we have obtained new additional rooms in our new surgery on The Rise, beside The Rise Pharmacy and Anderson's Cafe. For simplicity, we are currently booking all appointments with Dr Aylward and Dr O'Sullivan and Dr Sree are in The Rise Surgery, while appointments with Dr Scanlon and Dr Morgan remain in 411.
Booking Appointments
To book an appointment please visit PIPPO to register or phone 01 8373611.
If you have an appointment in person please wear a mask and where possible please bring your mobile phone.
If you do not have an appointment to see a doctor, please do not attend the surgery.
Prescriptions & Paperwork
If you have a form or paperwork that cannot be submitted using one of the above options, please drop the form in our post box along with a stamped addressed envelope and we will complete and return the form where possible within 7 days.
Results Queries
​If You Have A Question About A Recent Test Ordered by Your GP Please Click Here and a member of our team will get back to you.
This form is for results of Tests ordered by your GP only.
Results of tests requested by a hospital doctor will be sent directly to the hospital doctor (consultant or clinic) who requested them.
That doctor will then assess the results and communicate the results to you.
Referral Queries
If you wish to be referred to hospital for a consultant visit or for a scan, you must discuss this with a GP first. Click Here to make an appointment with your GP
If you have already been referred by your GP for a scan or consultant opinion, and you want to ask a follow up question please click here.
We are working hard continuously to improve the access and quality of healthcare for all our patients. If you have identified an issue that we can improve or to leave any other feedback that you feel would be helpful or important, please take the time to submit your feedback in writing for the attention of the practice manager, 411 Griffith Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Thank you.