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Recent news​

Sexual Health Awareness Week

November 2013


All sexually active adults should have regular testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) even without any symptoms. In recent years testing has gotten faster and easeier for patients. Now for patients without any symptoms, all that is needed for a full STI screen is a urine sample and a blood test. This will provide results for common conditions including chlamydia and gonorrhoea, as well as less common but important conditions such as Syphillis, Hepatitis, and HIV.

Antenatal Scans

Dr Cathal O'Sullivan


Ultrasound scans are now available in Griffith Avenue Practice. Early pregnancy scans, confirming fetal well being and Estimated due date, are available from 10 weeks. Pregnancy scans can also be incorporated to your routine antenatal checks. For more information please click below.

Travel Vaccinations

Dr Robert Scanlon


Travelling abroad can be a great opportunity. It is important that travellers are protected against common travel related illnesses. Travel vaccinations are available in Griffith Avenue Practice [see pricing page for more details].


If you are unsure if your planned destination requires travel vaccinations, good up to date information for all travellers is a vailable from the CDC website or by clicking below and choosing your destination.

Other Useful Links



Under the GMS Contract, medical card holders can choose their preferred doctor. Modern GPs are used to patients moving between practices for a variety of reasons, and will generally help facilitate easy transfer of your medical records from your old practice to your new preferred practice.  Please ensure to complete the Change of Doctor Forms.






Certain drivers [Category 2 Licence holders; Drivers wtih certain medical conditions including epilepsy; Drivers aged 70 or above] must apply for a medical assessment as part of ther driving licence application. This medical assessment, newly revised by the Road Safety Authority, is subject to a standard consultation fee for all patients [including medical card holders].  Driving Licence Application Forms are available here

Griffith Avenue Practice



Monday* -  Friday    

09.00 - 12.00;  14.00 - 17.00

Outside these hours please call D Doc: 0818 224476

*Bank Holidays/ Public Holidays please call D Doc as above


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